Parth Steel offers a variety of Angles suitable for diverse applications. From construction projects to manufacturing processes, our Angles are crafted to deliver strength and reliability.


Technical Specification
Technical Specification
Steel angles have an L-shaped cross-section formed by two perpendicular legs, referred to as the “long leg” and the “short leg.” The two legs meet at a 90-degree angle, giving the profile its characteristic L-shape.
Steel angles are typically made from mild steel or carbon steel, but they can also be manufactured using other types of steel based on specific requirements such as structural strength or corrosion resistance.
Steel angles are available in various sizes and dimensions, with different lengths and thicknesses to accommodate different construction and engineering needs. Commonly, the length of each leg ranges from around 20 mm to 200 mm or more, and the thickness (or width) can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
Size  mm. Weight Kg./m. Size  mm. Weight Kg./m.
20 x 20 x 3 0.9 65 x 65 x 10 9.4
25 x 25 x 3 1.1 75 x 75 x 6 6.8
25 x 25 x 5 1.8 75 x 75 x 8 8.9
30 x 30 x 3 1.4 75 x 75 x 10 11.00
30 x 30 x 5 2.2 80 x 80 x 6 7.3
35 x 35 x 3 1.6 80 x 80 x 8 9.6
35 x 35 x 5 2.6 80 x 80 x 12 14.00
35 x 35 x 6 3.00 90 x 90 x 6 8.20
40 x 40 x 5 3.00 90 x 90 x 8 10.8
40 x 40 x 6 3.5 90 x 90 x 10 13.4
45 x 45 x 5 3.40 90 x 90 x 12 15.8
45 x 45 x 6 4.00 100 x 100 x 6 9.2
50 x 50 x 5 308 100 x 100 x 8 12.1
50 x 50 x 6 4.5 100 x 100 x 10 14.9
55 x 55 x 5 4.1 100 x 100 x 12 17.7
55 x 55 x 6 4.9 110 x 110 x 8 13.4
60 x 60 x 5 4.5 110 x 110 x 10 16.5
60 x 60 x 6 5.40 110 x 110 x 12 19.6
60 x 60 x 8 7.00 110 x 110 x 15 24.2
65 x 65 x 6 5.8 130 x 130 x 8 15.9
65 x 65 x 8 7.7 130 x 130 x 10 19.7
130 x 130 x 15 23.4 150 x 150 x 18 39.9
130 x 130 x 15 28.09 150 x 150 x 20 44.1
150 x 150 x 10 22.8 200 x 200 x 16 48.5
150 x 150 x 12 27.2 200 x 200 x 20 60.00
150 x 150 x 16 35.8

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